Tellmewhen setup shadow priest
Tellmewhen setup shadow priest

tellmewhen setup shadow priest

  • 6.14 Ambush if Dagger, otherwise Cheapshot.
  • 6.13 Ambush if Stealthed, otherwise Backstab.
  • 6.12 Backstab if mainhanding a dagger, Sinister Strike otherwise.
  • 6.10 Dagger Switch to do a Mutilate, then back to normal weapons.
  • 6.9 Dagger Switch to use Backstab after Pick Pocketing the enemy.
  • 6.8 Sinister Strike => Riposte version D.
  • tellmewhen setup shadow priest

  • 6.7 Sinister Strike => Riposte version C.
  • 6.6 Sinister Strike => Riposte version B.
  • 6.5 Sinister Strike => Riposte version A.
  • 6.2 Cancel Blessing of Protection with Combo point attack.
  • 6.1 Vanish and Shadowstep and Cloak of Shadows.
  • 4.6 Stealth and Ambush with One Handed Weapons.
  • 4.4 Rupture or Slice and Dice in one button.
  • 4.2 Garrote in Stealth, or Sinister Strike Otherwise.
  • 3.1 Cold Blood & Eviscerate/Ambush w/o Global CD.
  • 2.11.4 One Button Different Poisons - Advanced.
  • 2.10.3 Tricks of the Trade without losing target.
  • 2.10.2 Set Tricks of the Trades Target Macro.
  • 2.10.1 One button Tricks of the Trade on Focus macro.
  • 2.9.5 Stealth, Cloak of Shadows and Vanish.
  • 2.9.3 New and improved Stealth,Cloak of Shadow, and Vanish.
  • 2.4 Gouge or Prem + Cheapshot or Cheap Shot.
  • 2.3 Stealth Cannabalize Macro (Undead only).
  • 2.1 Shadowmeld > Stealth (Night Elf only).
  • Use: This yells, "Hooray, I made a macro!".
  • Which creates: Macro Name /y Hooray, I made a macro! * Use: This yells, "Hooray, I made a macro!"
  • if moving from another page, remove it from the old page.
  • note the version of WoW that you tested it in.
  • name it, describe what it does, and use a 'space' before each command for the 'code box'.
  • #Tellmewhen setup shadow priest Patch#

    Where possible, please validate and mark with last working patch or version number. Formatting Macros Note: Commands for some of the older macros have been modified significantly.

    Tellmewhen setup shadow priest